jen hoy interview action

from the fine people who brought you a brief interview with vanessa dibernardo, comes a brief interview with jen hoy! (who has been called the beyoncé of soccer by some)

2. You attended college at Princeton, so you clearly had a difficult academic schedule. What were some things that you learned about balancing the demand of your academic and soccer requirements?

Jen: The combination was overwhelming at times, but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. Over time I learned that (1) you shouldn’t take life too seriously but live in the moment and enjoy everything that life throws at you, (2) take advantage of all the resources available to you and (3) always embrace new opportunities to grow and meet new people.

It’s easy to lose perspective with such a demanding schedule, but a healthy balance is definitely possible and it was much easier to find and maintain that balance when I kept these things in mind.

read the whole thing here.

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